Impressions of your Donations

Why Donate?

Because even a small fraction of your contribution adds a great value in the lives of many individuals!

In our 13+ years of creating a positive change amongst young people from marginalized communities, your benefactions have made a huge impact in achieving our goals of educating and enabling livelihood for those who need it the most.

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Impressions of your Donations


Young people impacted


Young people are career-ready


Increase in family income

Making An Impact By Working

Shipla Kondekar - Parent of Aspirant
I attended a parent's meet at Brigth Fututre and I heard the success story of other aspirants but wondered if my son would ever change? But today he is one of the success stories and I am very happy about it.
Ramesh Jaiswal - Parent of Aspritant
I feel very proud that my daughter has been working with Bright Future for past two years. After working with Bright Future we saw a lot of changes in her. Her body language and personality has improved and she has become very confident.

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