Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptas minima ab quasi aperiam ratione maxime soluta laudantium sapiente, consectetur tempore ducimus. Officiis quibusdam, reprehenderit quasi quod vel suscipit vitae voluptate tempore illo repudiandae beatae, dolor rerum, laborum necessitatibus sit nemo voluptatem? Ratione veniam itaque fugit assumenda. After completing the training at Bright Future she started working in Pizza Hut for 8 months. Even so, she fondly remembers the advice and life skill lessons she learnt from  The Bright Future facilitator, Fehmida.  6 years have passed since her father became paralyzed. She is able to share the responsibility of financially keeping her family afloat alongside her mother and brother. Mamta’s work location was away from home. But her determination to build a home for her family pushes her to look beyond her struggles

Lorem ipsum dolor sit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Libero ab deleniti perspiciatis distinctio explicabo fuga commodi tempore accusamus eum ullam?  Pooja is the elder one between the two siblings and her younger brother is completing his studies. After her Higher Secondary Education, she was on the lookout for a job. Even though her family had struggles with financial stability, she never talked about resolving the struggles with any elder person she knew. Pooja was approached by some agencies who promised employment to her but she felt about them. She expressed being relieved after having met Pravin, a social worker at Bright Future during community mobilization.  After learning about the training plans and placement opportunity Pooja was convinced to enroll herself. She enrolled with a few friends and started attending the training. The practical exercises as a part of training instilled confidence in her. The challenge of studying in a vernacular language didn’t scare her anymore, with frequent instances during training where she presented and participated in dialogues with the batch mates, helped her prepare for the job market. She started paying attention to her appearance because taking care of herself also helps her feel good. Pooja expressed her gratitude for receiving training at Bright Future since it played a key role in helping her secure employment and the capacity to support her family and her brother’s education.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Temporibus illo odit provident omnis, ipsa nostrum debitis, cum ea obcaecati ab numquam optio, natus sed architecto soluta vero nulla nisi. Perferendis iste incidunt placeat provident nulla fugit. Corrupti error quaerat rerum aliquid impedit.  After completing her education Saraswati enrolled for a makeup and tailoring course. She also looked out for job opportunities in the cosmetic industry. But she could not find a stable source of income. She was preoccupied with intrusive thoughts, not knowing what she could do. Saraswati found out about the Bright Future through mobilization and upon discussing with her sister she enrolled for the training at Bright Future.  In order to grow and land a job during Bright Future placements, Saraswati recognised her strengths and opted for the customer relationship service role. After being hired, she has worked at Pizza Hut for six months. She has been juggling her job and her home.  She is dedicated towards self development. Her steady income from work enables her to make the necessary investments and acquire the necessary expertise for the beauty sector.

Lorem, ipsum dolor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Minus est molestiae doloribus ducimus, provident doloremque aperiam, iusto debitis et impedit nemo distinctio omnis?. Although she had some theoretical understanding of utilizing computer programs, she was eager to join in the course after meeting the facilitators and getting an overview of the courses and their structure. Shipra along with her friends started attending training for six months. She was keen on learning more about CRS after being introduced to all the courses. At Bright Future, she was trained during mock interviews which helped to prepare with her  areas of interest. With each learning exercise, her confidence increased. Her family always supported her choices and pushed her to advance in her training.  Shipra confidently attended the placement interviews at Bright Future and even secured a job at Pizza Hut. She is supporting her studies with the income she derives by working part time at Pizza Hut. Since she can practically implement the working knowledge of the courses she learnt while her training, the collective experience is helping her to productively complete her Bachelors’ Degree of Commerce. Two months into working at Pizza Hut, she underwent her brain tumor treatment. But she has rejoined working and has completed her 7th month with Pizza Hut. She is driven to learn and to meet her educational demands. Her affiliation with Bright Future had the unexpected effect of speeding up her dreams for success.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Libero assumenda dolore eligendi rerum impedit et praesentium, voluptatum nihil voluptates obcaecati, quas odit cum? Delectus.

Imagine reaching an interview 4 hours late because your family is not supportive of your career! This is the life of Suman Maurya, a life dictated within 4 walls of her home by an orthodox father who discontinued her education post clearing her 7th grade exams. For him, being literate…

Imagine reaching an interview 4 hours late because your family is not supportive of your career!

This is the life of Suman Mourya, a life dictated within 4 walls of her home by an orthodox father who discontinued her education post clearing her 7th grade exams. For him, being literate was a full stop and objected to Suman venturing out alone for even using a community toilet where she had to be escorted by her mother. After her friends introduced her to Bright Future’s job readiness programs she stepped into a new world. BF’s focus is clear – typically young girls and boys from underprivileged backgrounds wanting to carve a better life out of their circumstances and learn how to confidently step into the world of work. After convincing her father to join this course, he maintained that she would not be allowed to take up a job. The BF interactive sessions were an eye opener for Suman. It is here that she turned her life around, learnt the art of conversation, which boosted her confidence, imbibed presentation and dressing skills. 

BF rolls out entry level job opportunities for their students, and for her first interview it took a lot of persuasion finally he reluctantly agreed on the condition that he would pick and drop her. It was for this interview that she set out like a spirited soul from her home neither knowing clear directions nor the train schedules. She reached her first interview 4 hours late in a complete disheveled state having walked, run and turned teary eyed on the streets. She was immediately on boarded with a salary of 5,200. . The struggle had only begun, she worked during the day, cooked in the morning for her family, did tailoring on Sundays, gave tuitions to children, all this to complete her studies by correspondence. Today she is earning more than 3 lakhs per annum and helps her brother with his studies and her father for his business. Her once orthodox father now encourages other men to educate their daughters and support them in their independent careers. 

This entire struggle seems completely worthwhile when Suman says that now her family allows her to relax and unwind after a hard day of work and appreciates her wholeheartedly for her achievements.

Today Suman is working with Future Generali and earning a salary of around 4 lakh in the sales department. 

Lorem, ipsum dolor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptates, eius laboriosam fuga molestias in, debitis enim ducimus voluptatem saepe eligendi quaerat reprehenderit ipsum distinctio soluta nobis quas. Blanditiis ad harum aperiam voluptatem excepturi cum sunt sint officiis laborum est odio ab porro qui repellat, explicabo doloribus voluptates, distinctio itaque aspernatur velit unde soluta.

A 19 year old girl resides in Vikhroli Parksite , she has completed her Graduation  from Ramanand Arya Dav College Bhandup, In her family there are a total 4  members: father , mother , 1 brother . In her family her father works as a driver and takes care of the family.She got to know about HDFC Bright Future through her friend’s reference. She got to learn about sales and different things related to sales, how to work with  people in the hospitality sector;  and about customer service. Communication IT skills  and self grooming skills . 

After the completion of the course, Netra got a job at ICICI Lombard house , and she is earning INR 21,704 /- per month. This way she is able to help with finances at home. She is now financially independent and contributes to the financial well being of the family.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Ad, voluptates ducimus. Nostrum velit earum facere sequi quod incidunt expedita sapiente, eaque nemo eligendi est magnam porro enim dolor molestias quasi maxime at unde excepturi tempora deleniti laudantium distinctio sunt obcaecati? Distinctio, iste. Ullam.

It is but true that discipline has a lot to do with self-improvement and living a life more fulfilling as well as least troublesome for others around you. Once you focus on what you need to change in order to become a better version of yourself, put discipline into the frame and the difference in the process would become noticeable. One such instance can be well illustrated through the story of Tariq Usmani.
Tariq is a 19 years old boy who is from Shivaji Nagar. He used to spend most of his time loitering around with his friends, lacked a sense of self-discipline and could not extend words of conviction towards his family. He admits that he didn’t have any idea about his career and was not even bothered about his future. But once he joined Bright Future, this changed.

Initially, his lack of direction affected his interest and diverted his attention from making the most out of the sessions at the center. However, once he figured out what career suited him and was something he could do well, he began paying more heed to what was being taught and started putting in evident efforts. “I want to make a change in my community, but before that I want to make myself more independent and excel in my career,” he shares. 

Tariq focused on attaining good qualities reflecting professionalism and learning communication skills expected from an employee. The facilitators also showed him how to groom himself properly and they helped him in improving his communication with his family. He learned to manage his time and become a better person in every aspect he could.

Now, Tariq shall be commencing his employment at Reliance Smart from the first week of April, 2021.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit.

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sit non a fugiat doloremque rem sed est vitae aliquid ex, mollitia soluta, quos et nihil. Deserunt sapiente odio consectetur, dolorum hic laborum nihil totam sint quod placeat itaque unde blanditiis consequuntur. Consectetur, non corrupti!

Living in a family of four wherein her parents mostly aren’t able to work because of health issues, her older brother took up the responsibility of looking after the family’s needs. 

This is the journey of Supriya aged 22, who is from Khar, Maharashtra. Sharing household responsibilities, studying despite several roots of disturbances and having realized what an impact financial strain can have very early, Reshma strived to change the course of her family’s life by joining Bright Future.

Initially a shy student who kept her views and thoughts to herself, Reshma found herself stepping out of her shell and imbibing confidence incrementally with the mentors’ support. “I always knew that I have to work hard to make it big in my life but had no clue how to do that. Bright future helped me and pushed me in every way and supported me every day even if I failed,” she shared. Her transition into a person who didn’t fear judgement and could take up the role of a leader surprised her upon introspection. 

As she takes steps towards a work life at Reliance, she feels excited and glad that she has achieved qualities which shall guide her in doing her best for herself as well as her loved ones. 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Cumque eligendi vel similique, distinctio aliquid deserunt alias ex provident animi qui expedita corrupti inventore amet, nobis excepturi quisquam!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ullam quae eaque a nobis pariatur sint praesentium dolore accusamus, commodi atque, excepturi, deserunt dolorem ipsa exercitationem consequuntur illo rem. Reprehenderit doloribus culpa aperiam architecto voluptate, laudantium consectetur itaque harum obcaecati fuga debitis consequatur explicabo.

After joining Bright Future and interacting with different people, her gratitude towards her family increased a lot, there was self-realization in terms of her own mental, physical and emotional state, and she learned to calm her anger down in the face of difficulties. 

Now, as Reshma prepares to work at Reliance, she accepts that difficulties and failures are a part of life, but what’s more important is trying again and making it happen. She iterates, “Life is uncertain, don’t question it, struggles are going to be there but face it with a smile and positivity.”

Lorem ipsum dolor sit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Aliquam deserunt aperiam iusto quisquam, ut dignissimos aliquid sunt. Laborum enim blanditiis expedita architecto quaerat sint delectus sunt cumque sed dicta! Nobis in, alias ullam optio temporibus illum asperiores eius dignissimos suscipit ipsam consectetur debitis.

He learned about the training programme that helped the disadvantaged youth from the communities who dropped out of education or were unable to find employment due to gaps in skill development.

Thus after being convinced to enroll for the training program he joined Bright Future. He learnt about career avenues and got access to people who directed him to lookout for opportunities suitable for securing a livelihood considering his interest areas. 

Suraj completed his training at Bright Future and has been working as a Café Executive. As he talked about his six-month work experience, the delight of working in a role that played to his skills was evident.

Lorem, ipsum dolor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Reiciendis sit fuga explicabo at velit, quo error aliquid laudantium porro officiis quos iste quis, eum ipsum minus.

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Culpa molestiae iusto error labore ullam neque autem accusantium repellat dolore, quibusdam dolores, nulla perspiciatis voluptatibus, deserunt laborum! Quibusdam quam facilis quidem nostrum ipsum. Possimus amet est temporibus, cupiditate maxime vitae ut repudiandae commodi minima tempore vero, laborum sint voluptatibus accusantium corrupti tenetur, quaerat suscipit!

Kailash completed the ITEs (Information Technology Enabled Service) course by Tech Mahindra Foundation (TMF) and Bright Future. He is a shy village boy who always showed interest in new learnings and is open to participation in various activities. Kailash, whenever asked to do some task at the SMART center, is always welcoming and displays leadership qualities. He completes his work diligently, while also helping his father at the tea stall. He is also using and developing his skills as a Customer Service Associate at Reliance Mart.

Kailash came to know about the course through his father as the tea stall is near the center. Belonging to a small village from Rajasthan, he never thought that the course at the center would also lead him to a job. Now, Kailash is motivated and excited to start his first job in the city of dreams. As compared to his siblings he found a better job, which he is proud of. He will be supporting his family financially and also pursuing distance education.

Before working through this course, Kailash was low in confidence and found it difficult to make friends and understand the Mumbai culture. Socially, he felt alone and left out. Bright Future and TMF assisted him in learning english communication, inculcating computer skills, and cost-free ITEs certification which helped in getting a job of his interest.
Eventually, he wishes to help expand his father’s business and his project supervisors say that Kailash is like waves that start their journey from Rajasthan to Mumbai and don’t wish to stop for anything or anyone. He is here to win and grow.

Kailash’s job is a big financial support to the family as due to corona, his father’s business has gone down. His family is proud and overwhelmed by their son’s opportunity to work and gain financial freedom.
Kailash is someone who does not like to wait, but rather strives and thrives for more to achieve bigger goals. Kailash is now more confident and clear about his wish to complete his education along with a job.

Story of Mamta Chauhan

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptas minima ab quasi aperiam ratione maxime soluta laudantium sapiente, consectetur tempore ducimus. Officiis quibusdam, reprehenderit quasi quod vel suscipit vitae voluptate tempore illo repudiandae beatae, dolor rerum, laborum necessitatibus sit nemo voluptatem? Ratione veniam itaque fugit assumenda. After completing the training at Bright Future she started working in Pizza Hut for 8 months. Even so, she fondly remembers the advice and life skill lessons she learnt from  The Bright Future facilitator, Fehmida.  6 years have passed since her father became paralyzed. She is able to share the responsibility of financially keeping her family afloat alongside her mother and brother. Mamta’s work location was away from home. But her determination to build a home for her family pushes her to look beyond her struggles

Story of Pooja Mhaske

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Libero ab deleniti perspiciatis distinctio explicabo fuga commodi tempore accusamus eum ullam?  Pooja is the elder one between the two siblings and her younger brother is completing his studies. After her Higher Secondary Education, she was on the lookout for a job. Even though her family had struggles with financial stability, she never talked about resolving the struggles with any elder person she knew. Pooja was approached by some agencies who promised employment to her but she felt about them. She expressed being relieved after having met Pravin, a social worker at Bright Future during community mobilization.  After learning about the training plans and placement opportunity Pooja was convinced to enroll herself. She enrolled with a few friends and started attending the training. The practical exercises as a part of training instilled confidence in her. The challenge of studying in a vernacular language didn’t scare her anymore, with frequent instances during training where she presented and participated in dialogues with the batch mates, helped her prepare for the job market. She started paying attention to her appearance because taking care of herself also helps her feel good. Pooja expressed her gratitude for receiving training at Bright Future since it played a key role in helping her secure employment and the capacity to support her family and her brother’s education.

Story of Saraswati Sonkamble

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Temporibus illo odit provident omnis, ipsa nostrum debitis, cum ea obcaecati ab numquam optio, natus sed architecto soluta vero nulla nisi. Perferendis iste incidunt placeat provident nulla fugit. Corrupti error quaerat rerum aliquid impedit.  After completing her education Saraswati enrolled for a makeup and tailoring course. She also looked out for job opportunities in the cosmetic industry. But she could not find a stable source of income. She was preoccupied with intrusive thoughts, not knowing what she could do. Saraswati found out about the Bright Future through mobilization and upon discussing with her sister she enrolled for the training at Bright Future.  In order to grow and land a job during Bright Future placements, Saraswati recognised her strengths and opted for the customer relationship service role. After being hired, she has worked at Pizza Hut for six months. She has been juggling her job and her home.  She is dedicated towards self development. Her steady income from work enables her to make the necessary investments and acquire the necessary expertise for the beauty sector.

Lorem, ipsum dolor.

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Laudantium repellat qui dolores possimus, dignissimos repellendus harum nemo unde nam aspernatur aliquam incidunt eaque quam beatae quis! Iure totam placeat quaerat, quibusdam vero voluptatem a eius voluptates architecto magnam qui, corrupti veritatis excepturi libero ea itaque? Although she had some theoretical understanding of utilizing computer programs, she was eager to join in the course after meeting the facilitators and getting an overview of the courses and their structure. Shipra along with her friends started attending training for six months. She was keen on learning more about CRS after being introduced to all the courses. At Bright Future, she was trained during mock interviews which helped to prepare with her  areas of interest. With each learning exercise, her confidence increased. Her family always supported her choices and pushed her to advance in her training.  Shipra confidently attended the placement interviews at Bright Future and even secured a job at Pizza Hut. She is supporting her studies with the income she derives by working part time at Pizza Hut. Since she can practically implement the working knowledge of the courses she learnt while her training, the collective experience is helping her to productively complete her Bachelors’ Degree of Commerce. Two months into working at Pizza Hut, she underwent her brain tumor treatment. But she has rejoined working and has completed her 7th month with Pizza Hut. She is driven to learn and to meet her educational demands. Her affiliation with Bright Future had the unexpected effect of speeding up her dreams for success.

Lorem, ipsum dolor.

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Praesentium nostrum totam, quibusdam delectus quam, libero numquam illum, blanditiis sunt earum facere aliquam eos!;

Imagine reaching an interview 4 hours late because your family is not supportive of your career!

This is the life of Suman Mourya, a life dictated within 4 walls of her home by an orthodox father who discontinued her education post clearing her 7th grade exams. For him, being literate was a full stop and objected to Suman venturing out alone for even using a community toilet where she had to be escorted by her mother. After her friends introduced her to Bright Future’s job readiness programs she stepped into a new world. BF’s focus is clear – typically young girls and boys from underprivileged backgrounds wanting to carve a better life out of their circumstances and learn how to confidently step into the world of work. After convincing her father to join this course, he maintained that she would not be allowed to take up a job. The BF interactive sessions were an eye opener for Suman. It is here that she turned her life around, learnt the art of conversation, which boosted her confidence, imbibed presentation and dressing skills. 

BF rolls out entry level job opportunities for their students, and for her first interview it took a lot of persuasion finally he reluctantly agreed on the condition that he would pick and drop her. It was for this interview that she set out like a spirited soul from her home neither knowing clear directions nor the train schedules. She reached her first interview 4 hours late in a complete disheveled state having walked, run and turned teary eyed on the streets. She was immediately on boarded with a salary of 5,200. . The struggle had only begun, she worked during the day, cooked in the morning for her family, did tailoring on Sundays, gave tuitions to children, all this to complete her studies by correspondence. Today she is earning more than 3 lakhs per annum and helps her brother with his studies and her father for his business. Her once orthodox father now encourages other men to educate their daughters and support them in their independent careers. 

This entire struggle seems completely worthwhile when Suman says that now her family allows her to relax and unwind after a hard day of work and appreciates her wholeheartedly for her achievements.

Today Suman is working with Future Generali and earning a salary of around 4 lakh in the sales department. 

Lorem, ipsum dolor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Doloremque nemo sunt perspiciatis at odio quod eaque consequuntur magnam magni quasi! Voluptates eaque non maiores aut incidunt ab doloremque ullam impedit dolor. Natus iure in reprehenderit impedit eaque veniam voluptatibus sed possimus debitis voluptatem?

A 19 year old girl resides in Vikhroli Parksite , she has completed her Graduation  from Ramanand Arya Dav College Bhandup, In her family there are a total 4  members: father , mother , 1 brother . In her family her father works as a driver and takes care of the family.She got to know about HDFC Bright Future through her friend’s reference. She got to learn about sales and different things related to sales, how to work with  people in the hospitality sector;  and about customer service. Communication IT skills  and self grooming skills . 

After the completion of the course, Netra got a job at ICICI Lombard house , and she is earning INR 21,704 /- per month. This way she is able to help with finances at home. She is now financially independent and contributes to the financial well being of the family.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit.

It is but true that discipline has a lot to do with self-improvement and living a life more fulfilling as well as least troublesome for others around you. Once you focus on what you need to change in order to become a better version of yourself, put discipline into the…

It is but true that discipline has a lot to do with self-improvement and living a life more fulfilling as well as least troublesome for others around you. Once you focus on what you need to change in order to become a better version of yourself, put discipline into the frame and the difference in the process would become noticeable. One such instance can be well illustrated through the story of Tariq Usmani.
Tariq is a 19 years old boy who is from Shivaji Nagar. He used to spend most of his time loitering around with his friends, lacked a sense of self-discipline and could not extend words of conviction towards his family. He admits that he didn’t have any idea about his career and was not even bothered about his future. But once he joined Bright Future, this changed.

Initially, his lack of direction affected his interest and diverted his attention from making the most out of the sessions at the center. However, once he figured out what career suited him and was something he could do well, he began paying more heed to what was being taught and started putting in evident efforts. “I want to make a change in my community, but before that I want to make myself more independent and excel in my career,” he shares. 

Tariq focused on attaining good qualities reflecting professionalism and learning communication skills expected from an employee. The facilitators also showed him how to groom himself properly and they helped him in improving his communication with his family. He learned to manage his time and become a better person in every aspect he could.

Now, Tariq shall be commencing his employment at Reliance Smart from the first week of April, 2021.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit.

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sit non a fugiat doloremque rem sed est vitae aliquid ex, mollitia soluta, quos et nihil. Deserunt sapiente odio consectetur, dolorum hic laborum nihil totam sint quod placeat itaque unde blanditiis consequuntur. Consectetur, non corrupti!

Living in a family of four wherein her parents mostly aren’t able to work because of health issues, her older brother took up the responsibility of looking after the family’s needs. 

This is the journey of Supriya aged 22, who is from Khar, Maharashtra. Sharing household responsibilities, studying despite several roots of disturbances and having realized what an impact financial strain can have very early, Reshma strived to change the course of her family’s life by joining Bright Future.

Initially a shy student who kept her views and thoughts to herself, Reshma found herself stepping out of her shell and imbibing confidence incrementally with the mentors’ support. “I always knew that I have to work hard to make it big in my life but had no clue how to do that. Bright future helped me and pushed me in every way and supported me every day even if I failed,” she shared. Her transition into a person who didn’t fear judgement and could take up the role of a leader surprised her upon introspection. 

As she takes steps towards a work life at Reliance, she feels excited and glad that she has achieved qualities which shall guide her in doing her best for herself as well as her loved ones. 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Consequatur, iusto beatae? Laudantium voluptatibus autem aut ut suscipit distinctio, vel harum maxime doloremque nulla minima excepturi necessitatibus sunt tempore voluptate magni dolore adipisci odit? Tenetur quas laborum minus vitae consequuntur itaque unde quam perferendis?

The progress made by 23 year old Reshma Raut is an exemplary one. She lives in Jogeshwari where her mother is a house helper and her father is a painter. Since a very young age, due to her mother’s occupation, Reshma had to take care of household chores, balance her studies and often deal with issues from the neighbours. Within this time, she also identified that she would get frustrated easily and was afraid she’d become argumentative. But looking at the circumstances, she was indeed a child with burdensome responsibilities. “My life revolves around my family and study. Managing both was difficult and I failed in exams. But I made sure to not give up ever in life. Every day I wished to get a good job so that my mother can get a break from her work as she is working nonstop,” shares Reshma.

After joining Bright Future and interacting with different people, her gratitude towards her family increased a lot, there was self-realization in terms of her own mental, physical and emotional state, and she learned to calm her anger down in the face of difficulties. 

Now, as Reshma prepares to work at Reliance, she accepts that difficulties and failures are a part of life, but what’s more important is trying again and making it happen. She iterates, “Life is uncertain, don’t question it, struggles are going to be there but face it with a smile and positivity.”

Lorem ipsum dolor sit.

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Temporibus adipisci quam expedita reprehenderit placeat, beatae sunt itaque soluta, error ratione magnam, excepturi accusantium exercitationem sequi voluptatibus quasi corporis a? Assumenda a eum eligendi mollitia, aut voluptates excepturi quae eos aspernatur consectetur natus sint!

He learned about the training programme that helped the disadvantaged youth from the communities who dropped out of education or were unable to find employment due to gaps in skill development.

Thus after being convinced to enroll for the training program he joined Bright Future. He learnt about career avenues and got access to people who directed him to lookout for opportunities suitable for securing a livelihood considering his interest areas. 

Suraj completed his training at Bright Future and has been working as a Café Executive. As he talked about his six-month work experience, the delight of working in a role that played to his skills was evident.

Lorem, ipsum dolor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Nam sint porro, voluptatem distinctio labore itaque ducimus suscipit amet totam eligendi odit excepturi voluptas, sed quas delectus fugiat soluta consequatur architecto expedita? Qui rem enim cupiditate quaerat!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Corporis accusantium quidem, accusamus velit nulla quasi, aspernatur id labore vero eligendi, dolores recusandae aperiam ad. Inventore accusantium fugit delectus id modi, consequuntur eligendi similique corporis possimus. Placeat alias aliquam eum culpa incidunt!

Kailash completed the ITEs (Information Technology Enabled Service) course by Tech Mahindra Foundation (TMF) and Bright Future. He is a shy village boy who always showed interest in new learnings and is open to participation in various activities. Kailash, whenever asked to do some task at the SMART center, is always welcoming and displays leadership qualities. He completes his work diligently, while also helping his father at the tea stall. He is also using and developing his skills as a Customer Service Associate at Reliance Mart.

Kailash came to know about the course through his father as the tea stall is near the center. Belonging to a small village from Rajasthan, he never thought that the course at the center would also lead him to a job. Now, Kailash is motivated and excited to start his first job in the city of dreams. As compared to his siblings he found a better job, which he is proud of. He will be supporting his family financially and also pursuing distance education.

Before working through this course, Kailash was low in confidence and found it difficult to make friends and understand the Mumbai culture. Socially, he felt alone and left out. Bright Future and TMF assisted him in learning english communication, inculcating computer skills, and cost-free ITEs certification which helped in getting a job of his interest.
Eventually, he wishes to help expand his father’s business and his project supervisors say that Kailash is like waves that start their journey from Rajasthan to Mumbai and don’t wish to stop for anything or anyone. He is here to win and grow.

Kailash’s job is a big financial support to the family as due to corona, his father’s business has gone down. His family is proud and overwhelmed by their son’s opportunity to work and gain financial freedom.
Kailash is someone who does not like to wait, but rather strives and thrives for more to achieve bigger goals. Kailash is now more confident and clear about his wish to complete his education along with a job.